We wanted you to be the first to know, Colloquia Partners, LLC is becoming 29Bison. As we continue to grow it is important for us to focus our efforts to ensure that we provide you with services, support and innovative approaches that meet your needs, play to our strengths, and inspire us to even higher levels of performance.A number of years ago we sat around a bar dreaming about a future where transactions are more successful and more enjoyable, maybe even a little fun –29Bison takes us back to that evening and to the work that has been our passion for well over a decade. We love transactions and we are enlivened by finding ways to improve due diligence, integration, and pre-transaction value creation. Central to these activities, for us, is a focus on people.We enable our clients to make timely, critical decisions that improve transaction outcomes. Offering unique and unparalleled human capital advisory services to the investment community, with an emphasis on the mid- and sub-middle-market ($2M to $500M).